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 There are over 350 images here of my work through the years evidencing a long term devotion to a craft that keeps me busy fulfilling my dream. I generally paint watercolor on Aquarelle Arches quality paper. I occasionally paint in oil on canvas or canvas board. 

The work explores the gamut of my various and sundry life experiences, while offering visions into the unfettered boundaries of imagination. The Hetzel style is hard to pinpoint, yet, it is tangible and inherent  throughout my entire portfolio.

Security: I have been selling original paintings and collage for almost three decades. In 2010 I am announcing a return option for every JMH ever created.. I pledge to buy back or swap out any painting my patron chooses to discard at its original value as long as it's in decent shape.

 I am proud of my worldwide assortment of wonderful patrons and hope you all are enjoying the art.

All work on this site is available for purchase if there is no patron listed.. Prices furnished on request.








Real Job